How To Prepare Brussel Sprouts For Cooking

This article will show you how to prepare Brussel sprouts for cooking, storing, and freezing.  You will also find a list of different cooking methods and recipes to try.

Look for bright green heads that are firm when gently squeezed and feel heavy for their size. The leaves should be tightly packed and mostly unblemished.

Avoid getting sprouts that look wrinkled, withered, or shrivelled up, these have no nutritional value at all.

Whether you are preparing Brussel sprouts for steaming, roasting, freezing, cooking on the grill or some other cooking method the preparation is all the same.

Use a small sharp knife to remove the discoloured base from the Brussel sprouts. Peel away and discard any discoloured or blemished outer leaves.

In older sprouts you may have to peel a few more layers until you get nice looking ones.

Brussel sprouts can be left whole, cut into half or quarters depending on how you are going to cook them.

Click the link below to visit us and to learn more about Brussel sprouts including; how to freeze and cook them!